A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Android


This game has been honorably mentioned in the
2021 MAGD Expo at UW-Whitewater!

Interested in the other submissions?
Check them out here!


This is Wisconsin, a family-made traditional card game recreated for PC and mobile devices. This project was created so the card game could be enjoyed remotely during quarantine while also allowing new players to learn the game. 

This game is created by Leah Blasczyk and Dr. Nick Hwang from UW-Whitewater. 

Application Rules PDF
Card Game PDF


Apple and Google Play Store applications coming soon!

The Android APK is downloadable below, but I am not sure if it will work via this download; please reach out if it does not!


Wisconsin.zip 27 MB
Wisconsin.app.tar.gz 26 MB
Wisconsin.apk 28 MB

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